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Cord Thomas
Don't Set New Year's Resolutions
Instead of New Year's resolutions, do what every company and corporation does, which are yearly goals. They allow us to track our growth.
Cord Thomas
Robert Sarver and the Relationship between Athletes and Owners
One piece of news that I definitely feel a need to cover is the Robert Sarver suspension.
The relationship between athletes and owners.
Cord Thomas
Athletes & Tattoos
Most athletes I know personally, even amateurs have them. So what purpose do they serve, and psychologically what does it do for them?
Cord Thomas
Why European Players Don't Stay in the US
I hate when I hear someone say that European players choosing to come back to Europe couldn’t cut it. That’s not the reality.
Cord Thomas
How to Get out of Your Head
How to get out of your head, in competition, at work, and with your family! Setting micro-goals, from the Sports and Psychology Podcast.
Cord Thomas
Off-season Goal Setting
It's a perfect time to deep dive into setting internal goals and expectations for the upcoming season.
Cord Thomas
The "New Age" Golden Rule
The word treat signifies action, it signifies that when interacting with others then treat them how you would want to be treated.
Cord Thomas
How to Resolve Conflicts in the Workplace and at Home
So how do I not step on anyone's toes? How do I know that I've acted respectfully and correctly in dealing with the issue?
Cord Thomas
Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions
A new year's resolution is something that's meant to be set starting from the new year through until the next yes. That's a huge commitment!
Cord Thomas
The Power of Connections
Many people don’t see the doors that are open, or know how to access those doors... Practice listening, connect with people...
Cord Thomas
Where Leaders Make Their Biggest Mistake
I've been faced with the question of what good leadership is, or what makes a great leader over the past 6 months or so more times (...)
Cord Thomas
Values & Sports
Values are present throughout the sports sphere and there are no goals that don’t have a larger, more meaningful value behind them.
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